[blism-heading style=”who-we-are-sec” align=”center” title=”Loft Storage solutions for any property” des=”Complete loft conversions now offer storage solutions fro your loft which can be fitted in one day.

We can turn your loft into storgae with a fully boarded loft and fold down ladder of your choice.”]

[blism-icon-box styles=”service-simple” icon=”fa-archive” title=”Fold down loft ladders” des=”We supply and fit fold down loft ladders to access you storage area in either timber or metal ladders”]
[blism-icon-box styles=”service-simple” icon=”fa-bomb” title=”Loft boarding out” des=”We can board out your loft in one day without damaging existing insualtion for extra storage for your home”]
[blism-icon-box styles=”service-simple” icon=”fa-codepen” title=”Insulation and improving your home” des=”We provide pedestals to raise the loft boards ensuring your insulation is protected”]
[blism-icon-box styles=”service-simple” icon=”fa-forumbee” title=”Extra lighting” des=”We can also provide lighting for your new storge area and we are part P registered to carry out all electrical work”]
[blism-timeline num=”01″ title=”Free on site survey at your request” des=”CLC provide a free no obligation site survey to suggest the best option for your home including lighting and insulation” btn_label=”Read More” btn_link=”#” img=”151″]
[blism-timeline num=”02″ title=”We then send out a full report and quote” des=”You can accept the quote either online or in person then we will get you booked in for the installation on a day of your choice” btn_label=”Read More” btn_link=”#” img=”150″]
[blism-timeline num=”03″ title=”Expert fitters will arrive on the day” des=”Our expert fitters will arrive on the day to fit out your new loft storage space fitting ladders, insulation, lighting and flooring” btn_label=”Read More” btn_link=”#” img=”149″]
[blism-icon-counter icon=”fa-heart-o” num=”5,478″ title=”Loft fold down stairs fitted”]
[blism-icon-counter icon=”fa-shopping-cart” num=”8,346″ title=”Save energy by reinsulating loft”]
[blism-icon-counter icon=”fa-thumbs-up” num=”1,420″ title=”Gain more storage space”]
[blism-icon-counter icon=”fa-code” num=”7,331″ title=”Lifetime Guarantee”]
[blism-icon-counter icon=”fa-support” num=”6,254″ title=”Add value to your property”]
[blism-icon-counter icon=”fa-user” num=”3,653″ title=”Suitable for all homes”]
Loft storgae solutions Ipswich Suffolk

Get a free loft storage survey

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    [blism-heading title=”Our pricing” stitle=”Prices are estimated costs please book survey for all costings”]
    [blism-pricing-table pricingtable=”4756″]
    [blism-pricing-table pricingtable=”4753″]
    [blism-pricing-table pricingtable=”4754″]
    [blism-pricing-table pricingtable=”4755″]
    [blism-heading title=”Amazing service and workmanship” stitle=”Suitable for new and old properties”]
    [blism-icon-box styles=”features-list-sec” icon=”fa-anchor” title=”Gain up to 50% more space in your home” des=”To increase much needed storage for growing families”][blism-icon-box styles=”features-list-sec” icon=”fa-bomb” title=”Transform your loft in just one day” des=”We are fully insured to carry out the work on your home”][blism-icon-box styles=”features-list-sec” icon=”fa-support” title=”Turn dark and dangerous spaces into clean, safe storge area” des=”All works have a lifetime warranty and are full cover by our insurance”]
    Electrician working on lofts
    [blism-icon-box styles=”features-list-sec” flip=”flip” icon=”fa-bars” title=”Loft boarding and storage for new builds” des=”We install loft boarding that is compliant and will not void you new build warranty”][blism-icon-box styles=”features-list-sec” flip=”flip” icon=”fa-lightbulb-o” title=”Loft boarding for pre 1975 houses” des=”Our team can advise and install loft boarding in older properties”][blism-icon-box styles=”features-list-sec” flip=”flip” icon=”fa-trophy” title=”Loft boarding in post 1975 properties” des=”CLC can guarantee that we can transform your home into a safe storage space”]
    [blism-heading style=”who-we-are-sec” title=”Whats the diffrence between standard and raised loft boarding”]

    Standard loft boarding is placed directly onto joists this may be suitable for older properties, although it may be ineffective if there is not enough insulation in the existing loft. It does not usually account for pipework wiring downlights and lighting compressing loft insulation can reduce the thermal efficiency by up to 50%.

    CLC can design and board your loft to allow for the air to flow around the eaves the boarding is fitted in the middle of the loft, this way of providing storage is safe and helps reduce issues with condensation and trapping of cables.

    Loft leg
    Loft legs installed

    We use Loft Legs to avoid insulation compression when using your new build home’s loft for storage this method will keep the 270mm of quit insulation to achieve a U value of 0.16W/m2K.

    Newer homes can be installed with up to 400mm of insulation to meet stricter insulation targets under the government’s new thermal calculations.

    Compression of insulation within your loft can reduce its thermal properties by more than 50% this is why we only use the pedestal system which ensures maximum insulation efficiency.

    We install loft leg XL on new-build properties and normally standard loft leg on pre and post-1975 homes but if you have room and would like further insulation we can install the 300mm Loft leg XL if you have enough room.

    Loft legs installed
    Loft legs around loft hatch
    Loft legs with boards installed
    Loft with baorda and shelves installed
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